






the largest city in Turkey, constituting the country's economic, cultural and historical heart. From Byzantine churches to Ottoman palaces, its well-preserved heritage is still very present on a visit to Turkey's largest city. Famous tourist attractions include the Aya Sofya, the Blue Mosque, the Basilica Cistern, and the Bazaar.

伊斯坦布尔 ( 土耳其语 : İstanbul   [isˈtanbuɫ]    聆听 )是 土耳其 最大城市,亦是该国的经济、文化和历史中心。它坐落于土耳其西北部的 博斯普鲁斯海峡 之滨,位于 马尔马拉海 和 黑海 之间,横跨 欧亚大陆 ,经济和历史中心位于欧洲一侧,有三分之一人口居住于亚洲一侧。其人口达到1440万,为全欧洲最大的城市群,亦是 中东 最大和 全球第六大 城市。伊斯坦布尔全市辖区面积5,343平方千米(2,063平方英里),其覆盖范围同 伊斯坦布尔省 相同,亦是该省的行政中心。亦是世界上唯一横跨两大洲的城市。

公元前660年左右,该市以“ 拜占庭 ”之名建立于 萨拉基里奥角 ,并在此后逐渐发展为历史上最为重要的城市之一。公元330年该市重建为 君士坦丁堡 或新罗马,并在此后的近十六个世纪内先后成为 罗马帝国 (330年–1204年及1261年–1453年)、 拉丁帝国 (1204年–1261年)和 奥斯曼帝国 (1453年–1922年)的帝国首都。

伊斯坦布尔是古 丝绸之路 的途经地,也是欧洲和中东的铁路网络之间、黑海和 地中海 间海路的必经之地,使得伊斯坦布尔 的战略地位十分重要.

2012年,在当选 欧洲文化之都 两年之后,近1160万外国游客造访伊斯坦布尔 ,使其成为世界第五受欢迎的旅游目的地。该市最重要的景点仍是其历史城区,部分被列为联合国教科文组织 世界遗产 ,而位于 贝伊奥卢 区的天然港 金角湾 则是其文化和娱乐的中心。伊斯坦布尔还被认为是一个 全球城市 ,亦是全球发展速度最快的都市经济区之一。诸多土耳其公司及媒体将总部设于此,全市 国内生产总值 超过全国的四分之一。伊斯坦布尔希望借助其复苏和快速扩张的契机,在二十年内五次申请举办 夏季奥林匹克运动会 。

a southern European country situated in the center of the Mediterranean. Renowned for its Blue Lagoon, the island's baroque towns and prehistoric ruins also deserve a visit. The Maltese capital, Valletta, is a historical time capsule, It is thick with Italianate churches and golden limestone buildings Marsaxlokk Bay is the best place to see Luzzus, brightly colored traditional Maltese fishing boats, with their mythical eye painted on the prows. the Sunday fish market offers a glimpse of traditional island life and the harbor side restaurants serve excellent fish dishes. 

马耳他共和国 ( 马耳他语 : Repubblika ta' Malta ),通称 马耳他 ,位于 南欧 的 共和制 的一个 微型国家 ,首都 瓦莱塔 。是一个位于 地中海 中心的 岛国 ,有“地中海心脏”之称,被誉为“欧洲的乡村”。 官方语言 为 马耳他语 和 英语 。马耳他亦是 英联邦 和 欧洲联盟 的成员国。

马耳他自然资源缺乏,经济以 服务业 和 金融业 为主, 旅游业 是马耳他主要的 外汇 来源。马耳他同100多个国家和地区有贸易关系,欧盟是马耳他最重要的贸易伙伴。另外,马耳他 社会保障 体系较为完备,实行免费教育,免费医疗及退休保险制。

Venice, or  Venezia , is a distinguished 1,700-year-old city that was at the nexus of major European art, music and political developments. It was an instigator of the Renaissance and is thought to have been the world's first financial center.

Today, it is one of Italy's most important cities and a supremely romantic travel destination, where you can stroll alongside miles of winding canals. There are, in fact, 150 canals with more than 400 bridges that connect Venice's 118 small islands in the Venetian Lagoon, some large enough for magnificent churches and palaces, squares and museums, amazing restaurants and beautiful shops.

威尼斯 是 意大利 东北部著名的旅游与工业 城市 ,也是 威尼托 地区 的 首府 。威尼斯城由被运河分隔并由桥梁相连的118座小岛组成。 威尼斯潟湖 是位于 波河 与 皮亚韦河 河口之间的一个封闭的海湾,威尼斯城就坐落在 威尼斯潟湖 的浅滩上。威尼斯以其优美的环境、 建筑 和艺术品珍藏而闻名。潟湖和城市的一部分被列为 世界遗产 。Luigi Barzini曾在纽约时报形容它“无疑是最美丽的人造都市”,时代线上也称赞威尼斯是欧洲最浪漫的城市之一。

Unique combinations of geologic color and erosional forms decorate a canyon that is 277 river miles (446km) long, up to 18 miles (29km) wide, and a mile (1.6km) deep. Grand Canyon overwhelms our senses through its immense size.

The South Rim is open all year. Road improvement work is taking place this month. 

大峡谷国家公园 ( Grand Canyon National Park )是 美国 西南部的 国家公园 ,在1979年被列为 世界自然遗产 ,以深达1500米,由 科罗拉多河 耗费万年所切割出来的 科罗拉多大峡谷 景观闻名于世。位于美国 亚利桑那州 的西北角。整个大峡谷走向为东西向,总长有349公里,宽度从最窄的6公里到25公里。将大峡谷分为南缘跟北缘。整个国家公园总面积为1,217,403亩。在地形上是高原地形,该地的高原称为 凯巴布高原 (Kaibab)。

大峡谷国家公园是1908年美国总统 罗斯福 所提倡与规划的,初时只叫做国家纪念公园,在1911年划立了国家保护区。1919年的2月26日,经过 美国国会 的法案通过,正式将大峡谷最深、景色最壮丽的一段,约有170公里长度的区域,成立了大峡谷国家公园,并建立起步道系统、生态与地质学的教育研究系统。


The Maasai Mara is one of the best-known reserves in the whole of Africa, and is globally renowned for its exceptional wildlife. Despite comprising only 0.01% of Africa’s total landmass, more than 40% of Africa’s larger mammals can be found here. Across the vast plains of the Mara visitors are able to witness lions, cheetahs, leopards, elephants, and an infinite variety of other species in their natural habitats.

Masai Mara ecosystem contains some 25% of what is left of Kenyan wildlife. Estimate says that around 70% of Kenya’s wildlife lives outside national parks and reserves. Thus; the need for new role models preserving the Mara wildlife, on private land is paramount. Naboisho plays that role today! Africa has lost some 95-98% of its most iconic mammals over the last hundred year or so, elephants, rhinos, lions, and cheetah. WWF estimate that the world will lose 2/3 of its vertebras in the incredible short period 1970-2020, ie 50 years. Some 70% of the world’s ecosystem are under stress. Loss of habitat is the main reason for this decimation.

The Maasai Mara lies in the Great Rift Valley, which is a fault line some 3,500 miles (5,600km) long stretching from Ethiopia’s Red Sea through Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, and into Mozambique. Here the valley is wide, and a towering escarpment can be seen in the hazy distance. The animals are at liberty to move outside the park into huge areas known as ‘dispersal areas’. There can be as much wildlife roaming outside the park as inside. Many Maasai villages are located in the ‘dispersal areas’ and they have, over centuries, developed a synergetic relationship with the wildlife.

There are four main types of terrain in the Mara – the Ngama Hills to the east with sandy soil and leafy bushes favoured by black rhino; Oloololo Escarpment forming the western boundary and rising to a magnificent plateau; Mara Triangle bordering the Mara River with lush grassland and acacia woodlands supporting masses of game, especially migrating wildebeest; and the Central Plains, forming the largest part of the reserve with scattered bushes and boulders on rolling grasslands favoured by the plains game.

The Mara is perhaps best known for the Great Migration, which takes place every year July to Septemberr. During these months the yellow savannah is dotted black by more than 1.5 million wildebeest, zebra and antelopes that migrate from the Serengeti to the Mara in search of food and water.

Mara and Serengeti parks are interdependent wildlife havens. This is where the world’s largest multi-species migration takes place. The movement is, centered around the wildebeest migrating from Serengeti into Masai Mara during the dry period in Tanzania, crossing the mighty Mara River on their way. The Great Wildebeest Migration rightfully deserves its standing.

马赛马拉国家保护区 (又译作 马塞马拉 ,Maasai Mara;Masai Mara)是 肯尼亚 西南部的一个大型猎物禁猎区,位于肯尼亚 裂谷省 纳罗克 附近,与 坦桑尼亚 北部 塞伦盖蒂国家公园 无缝对接。名称来源于当地原始定居者 马赛人 。经过多次扩大保护区的面积,目前保护区面积有1510平方公里 [2] 。

the only trip to the top of its kind in Europe, one where emotions carry you away. From the esplanade to the summit you will experience a whole series of emotions. Soak in the breathtakingly unique views of Paris from every floor, feel the goose bumps as you walk the glass floor on the 1st floor, experience the incredible ascent by stairway or lift, the indescribable awe at the tonnes of iron above you as you stand on the esplanade, the vertigo as you look down...

埃菲尔铁塔 (法语:La Tour Eiffel,也常称为 巴黎铁塔 )是位于 法国 巴黎 战神广场 的铁制 镂空塔 ,世界著名建筑,也是法国 文化象征 之一,巴黎城市地标之一,巴黎最高建筑物,得名自其设计师 居斯塔夫·埃菲尔 ,属于世界 建筑史 上的技术杰作。埃菲尔铁塔也是世界上最多人付费参观的名胜古迹,2011年约有698万人参观,在2010年累计参观人数已超过二亿七千万人。

埃菲尔铁塔从1887年1月27日起建,分为三楼,分别在离地面57.6米、115.7米和276.1米处,其中一、二楼设有餐厅,第三楼建有观景台,从塔座到塔顶共有1,711级阶梯,共用去钢铁7,000 吨 ,12,000个金属部件,250万颗铆钉,模仿人体的骨头为建,极为壮观属于镂空结构 铁塔 ,塔高为300米,总高320米。

1889年5月15日,为给 世界博览会 开幕典礼剪彩,铁塔的设计师埃菲尔亲手将 法国 国旗升上铁塔的300米高空,由此,人们为了纪念他对法国和 巴黎 的这一贡献,特别还在塔下为他塑造了一座半身铜像。

直到2004年1月16日,为申办 2012年夏季奥运会 ,法国巴黎 市政府 特意在埃菲尔铁塔上介绍了其为申奥所做出的准备情况,而埃菲尔铁塔更成为了该国申奥的“天然 广告 ”。这个为了世界博览会而落成的金属建筑,曾经保持世界最高建筑45年,直到纽约 克莱斯勒大楼 的出现。

埃菲尔铁塔由250万个铆钉连接固定。于塔的四个面上共刻有72个 法国 科学家、工程师与其他知名人士的名字 , 居斯塔夫·埃菲尔 以此来铭记他们做出的贡献。

Table Mountain is a flat-topped mountain forming a prominent landmark overlooking the city of Cape Town in South Africa. It is a significant tourist attraction, with many visitors using the cableway or hiking to the top. The mountain forms part of the Table Mountain National Park. Table Mountain is home to a large array of fauna and flora, most of which is endemic.

桌山 位于 南非 西开普省 开普敦 附近,是一座顶部平坦的 沙岩 山。海拔1,086米,大约形成于 志留纪 或 奥陶纪 。由于其顶部异常平坦且可以俯看 开普敦半岛 ,因此桌山成为了 南非 的一个著名的旅游景点。桌山有 云 覆盖,云层是刮 东南风 迅速形成的,它是 高原 植被繁茂的主要因素,5个高山 水库 贮藏的水就是由 冬天 西北风 带来的雨水,山顶的 年降雨量 为1525毫米。

 is the capital and most populous city of the  Kingdom of Thailand . It is known in  Thai as  Krung Thep Maha Nakhon.  The city occupies 1,568.7 square kilometres (605.7 sq mi) in the  Chao Phraya River  delta in  Central Thailand , and has a population of over 8 million, or 12.6 percent of the country's population. Over 14 million people (22.2 percent) lived within the surrounding  Bangkok Metropolitan Region  at the 2010 census, making Bangkok an extreme  primate city , significantly dwarfing Thailand's other urban centres in terms of importance.

“Same same, but different. ”This Thailish T-shirt philosophy sums up Bangkok, a city where the familiar and the exotic collide like the flavours on a plate of  pàt tai .

是 泰国 首都和最大城市,别名“ 天使之城 ”,位于 昭披耶河 东岸,南临 暹罗湾 , 中南半岛 最大城市, 东南亚 第二大城市,为泰国 政治 、 经济 、 贸易 、 交通 、 文化 、 科技 、教育、宗教与各方面中心。

曼谷是繁华的 国际大都市 ,是 贵金属 和 宝石 的 交易中心 。经济占泰国总量的44%, 曼谷港 承担着泰国90%的外贸。曼谷 旅游业 十分发达,被评选为2013全球最受欢迎


新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 8 Life Outside of Work

Short Conversations

1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.B 9. A 10.B

Long Conversation

1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.C

Understanding a Passage

1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B

Movie Speech

1.the light had gone 2.should remember

3.don’t go the right way 4.when we suffer defeat

5.you’re really tested 6.on the highest mountain

7.served this government and this country 8.always give your best

9.high hopes and good spirits 10. in our hearts

Homework Listening

Task 1 1.C 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.B

Task 2 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C

Task 3

1.how much they expect to learn 2.dishonest reporting

3.are charged with 4.under pressure

5.include a warning 6.should not be held responsible

7.have influenced that decision 8.no reason to stop

9.estimate earnings 10.to hide bad news

新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 9 Only Losers Quit

Short Conversations

1C 2.D 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.C

Long Conversation

1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.C

Understanding a Passage

1.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.B

Movie Speech

1.come on in 2.sweetheart 3.a part of life

4.your own destiny 5.God gave you 6.figure that out

7.a box of chocolates 8.explaining 9.had got the cancer

10.with little flowers on it

Homework Listening

Task 1 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.B

Task 2 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A

Task 3

1.develop a plan 2.reduce cancer rates

3.cancer prevention and control 4.a leading cause of death

5.on the rise 6.cancer-producing chemicals

7.aging populations 8.most common forms,

9.more action is needed 10.early cancer testing

新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 10 The Tragedy of War

Warming up

1.F 2.F 3.T

Short Conversations

1.D 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.A

Long Conversation

1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D

Understanding a Passage

1.B 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.A

Movie Speech

1.guarded 2.a greater responsibility 3.Marines

4.probably saved lives 5.existence 6.parties

7. honor 8.spent defending something 9.freedom


Listening and Discussion

1. A Japanese pen friend. 2. He had always criticized the nuclear attacks.

3. Around 140,000 people. 4. Open-ended.

5. Open-ended.

Homework Listening

Task 1 1.D 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B

Task 2 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A

Task 3

1.monthly payments 2.more money than

3.is expected to 4.be out of money

5.born out of 6.pay for itself

7.start with 8.survived the death

9.for the poor 10.all federal workers













2. compelled


4. disciplined

5. destruction

6. output

7. retreat

8. abandoned


10. eternal

11. investment

12. transfer

13. justify

14. nonetheless


16. accelerate

17. threaten

show signs of

2. calledupon

3. off limits

4. in fear of

5. slow down

6. cut down

7. from head to foot

8. come by

9. lost out

10. As yet

11. reside in


smoke + fog;

web + log;

breakfast + lunch ;

medical + care ;

motor +hotel;

net + citizen ;

science + fiction;

work + alcoholic

Anthropology: thescientific study of the human race, especially of its origins, development,customs and beliefs

Archaeology: the study ofthe buried remains of the ancient times, such as houses, pots, tools, andweapons

Ecology: the study of therelations of plants, animals, and people to each other and to theirsurroundings

Geology: the study ofrocks, soils, etc. which make up the Earth, and of their changes during thehistory of the world

Ideology:a setof ideas that an economic or political system is based on

Musicology: thestudy of the history and theory of music

Psychology: the scientificstudy of the mind and how it influences behaviour

Sociology: the scientificstudy of the nature and development of society and social behaviour

Zoology: the scientificstudy of animals and their behaviour

1. collective individual

2. consistent contradictory

3. constructive destructive

4. irrational rational

5. modern primitive

6. natural synthetic

7. nearby distant

8. optimistic pessimistic

9. replaceableirreplaceable

10. small enormous


1. She wished us health andsuccess in the new year.

2. He asked how we weregetting along with our work.

3. Jack said to me that I would be happy toknow that his condition had improved.

4. Rose asked Jack whetherhe was sure his mother would like the idea.

5. He asked John how long he had been waitingfor them. 6. She said I needn't have done all that myself./


1. The strikers protestedto the police that they had no right to arrest them.

2. He promised that hewould give us whatever assistance we needed.

3. He agreed (that) thatwas the best solution to the problem.

4. My sister admitted thatit was she who had broken the glass.

5. He declared that hemeant what he said and would never go back on his word.

6. The man insisted that wegive an explanation of what had happened.

7. Mrs. Don't complainedthat no one showed concern for the elderly in that country.

8. The sales managerexplained that he couldn't give us a definite answer because he had notreceived instructions from his company.


(1) realm (2) elemental (3) obtain (4)stubbornly (5) transferred (6) transformed (7) subdued (8) expansion (9)irreplaceable (10) extinct (11) dynamic (12) verge (13) moderate (14)ecological (15) rational


1.   The village isso close to the border that the villagers live in constant fear of attacks fromthe enemy.

2. Inonly twenty years the country was transformed into an advanced industrialpower.

3.This company has evolved into one of the major chemical manufacturing bases inthis region.

4. Given the current financial situation, itis inevitable that the US dollar will be further devalued.

5. The government's call for suggestionsabout the control of water pollution produced very little response from thecitizens.

6. The weather showed no signs of gettingbetter so the government called upon us to get prepared for floods.

7. At one time scientists thought that therewas nothing smaller than an atom but now most people know that an atom consistsof even smaller particles.

8.The students were all very much concerned about the World Cup, spending atleast two hours every day watching the live matches on TV. 9. The departmentstore lost out because loans were very hard to come by and it could not startbusiness on time.

10. We can't go there for a walk becausethere is a navy base there, which is off limits to tourists.


1. 1)monitor

2) phenomenon


4) gradual

5) opponent

6) advent

7) genetic


9) extreme

10) nasty

11) boom

12) formal

13) soar

14) survey

15) Similarly

16) modify

17) rough

2. 1) at thesame time

2) are stuckwith

3) forcertain

4) make nodifference

5) onaverage

6) when itcomes to

7) dependson

8) built into

9) come tomind

10) at work

Increasing YourWord Power








6) luxurious


2) eternal


7) leisurely


3) miraculous


8) subjective


4) relevant


9) prosperous


5) analytical


10) innovative


2. 2)multi-faith     3) multiform

4)multifunction     5) multi-ethnic

6) multilateral

7)multi-lingual         8) multimedia

9)multimillionaire         10)multinational

1) amulti-faith society

2) amulti-lingual secretary

3) amultimillionaire

4) amultinational motor-manufacturing corporation

5) a multifunction video camera

6) amulti-ethnic community

7) a multimediadictionary

8)multi-cultural education

9) amultilateral trade negotiation                     10) multiformtechnological cooperation

3. 1) j      2) c        3) b        4) i

5) a         6) g        7) d        8) e

9) f         10) h






1) creative


6) minor


2) cruel


7) original


3) equal


8) pure


4) local


9) regular


5) major


10) superior


1)superiority             2) equality

3)originality          4) minority


6) purity                7) cruelty

Grammar Review

1.       1) My mother would not be worried aboutme if she knew what my life was like.

2) They wouldprobably allow you to do the job if you were in better health.

3) Theywouldn’t work with such enthusiasm if they didn’t know what they were working for.

4) I would haveto look it up in the dictionary if I didn’t know the meaning of the word.

5) She wouldunderstand what we say if she knew Chinese.

6) I would bequite satisfied if you spoke with greater accuracy.

2.       1) If we knew where he was, we would tryto get in touch with him.

2) If it werenot for the expense involved, we would go there by plane.

3) If we wereto miss the train, we would have to wait another four hours.

4) If we pooledall our resources, we would have enough money to buy the equipment.

5) If he didn’thave a strong love for the handicapped children, he wouldn’t be working sotirelessly for them.


1)emphasize          2) opposite

3)improved           4) luxuries      5) benefited

6)obviously           7) consciously

8)fractures           9) eternal



12) correlation

13) depends

14) exclusively


1. 1) He reallyknows a lot about theory, but when it comes to actual work, he seems to bequite ignorant.

2) The latestsurvey shows / showed that the majority of the citizens support / supported thegovernment’s plan to build a new library.

3) The twocountries could reach agreement successfully on scientific and technologicalcooperation because several factors favorable to their cooperation had been atwork.

4) I saw thefilm when I was in the primary school, but the title just won’t come to mindfor the moment.

5) He has beenstuck with heavy debt though he works about twelve hours every day on average.

6) Is itnecessary to know his height? To me, it is not relevant to whether he can be agood lawyer or not.

7) The cupboardis built into the wall so that it both saves space and is convenient to use.

8) These workersearn more than we do, but the other side of the coin is their job is moredangerous.

9) Helen majorsin economics at the university and at the same time she studies philosophy asher second major.

10) What ismost important is that you must find out and solve the problems by yourselves.It makes no difference whether I go there or not.

















In a way

2.act on

3.to such an extent that

4.opens up

5.close off

6.look into

U 4


















1.stands a chance/stood a chance

2.ruled out

3.worthy of

4.gone through

5.in the strict sense

6.At a guess

7.earns a living

8.coincide with

9.gone in for

10.got their teeth into


















  • 评论列表:
  •  鸢旧雨铃
     发布于 2022-11-29 07:33:15  回复该评论
  • 园 ( Grand Canyon National Park )是 美国 西南部的 国家公园 ,在1979年被列为 世界自然遗产 ,以深达1500米,由 科罗拉多河 耗费万年所切割出
  •  双笙长野
     发布于 2022-11-29 12:48:26  回复该评论
  • 7年1月27日起建,分为三楼,分别在离地面57.6米、115.7米和276.1米处,其中一、二楼设有餐厅,第三楼建有观景台,从塔座到塔顶共有1,711级阶梯,共用去钢铁7,000 吨 ,12,000个金属部件,250万颗铆钉,模仿人
  •  惑心馥妴
     发布于 2022-11-29 10:19:36  回复该评论
  • and how it influences behaviourSociology: the scientificstudy of the nature and development of society and social behaviourZoology: th
  •  瑰颈好倦
     发布于 2022-11-29 12:53:08  回复该评论
  • 源。马耳他同100多个国家和地区有贸易关系,欧盟是马耳他最重要的贸易伙伴。另外,马耳他 社会保障 体系较为完备,实行免费教育,免费医疗及退休保险制。Venice, or  Venezi


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